Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mag's ABCs of 4-14

A. mazing movie? Tangled. Watched that today in Algebra. I teared up. It was SO GOOD. Whitley and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
B. abysitting tomorrow night. Feel free to hit up my phone. Actually PLEASE hit up my phone.
C. an you believe it's April? FOURTH. MONTH. I'm losing it, Izz. Time moves so fast.
D. 'Aiuto seems to terrify people. I think it's the apostrophe.
E. very odd day is boring. Sigh.
F. ourth period Spanish on Monday had to have been the best class ever. FCAT totally fried my brain, so I was high on brain overload :D
G.oogle chrome HATES ME
H. igh school musical on my Pandora... whaaat?
I. am in love with Showtunes. Like seriously, I have two Pandora channels  dedicated to it, plus John Williams and Alan Menken <3
J. esus. I've been really strengthening my relationship with Him lately. And I am loving my life.
L. ately school has been busy yet not busy. Does that make sense? Sigh.
M. enken, Alan. The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Pocahontas, Beauty and the Beast, Hercules, Hunchback, Enchanted, TANGLED, and Broadway versions. My hero. And new obsession.
N. ot sure about boys lately. Blah.
O. ranges don't have rhymes. I wonder if any poets wanted to write a poem about an orange, and were crushed when they realized they couldn't because nothing rhymed with orange. Poor guys...
P. lans for this summer? ALADDIN MUSICAL
Q. uite a lazy week this week. Made me a happy IB kid.
R. eally considering composing music for a living. Too bad I can't read bass cleff or transpose melodies and harmonies at all. All I know how to do is memorize scales. YEAH!
S. mith makes me confused. But he's a funny actor in the play we're doing in Hensel.
T. rack and field is a sport played with cletes. Learned that at lunch today.
U. nderneath my braces are teeth. I promise.
W. allace is behaving! I'm so proud of him!
X. ylophone scale tests were this week. Everyone's were. Mag is nervous.
Y. ou know, I may grow up to be a music teacher.
Z. achary Pereira. He's confusing boy #2 on the mind. Sigh.

I love these quirky new formats :D


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