Thursday, April 14, 2011

ABC's of 4.14

A. nd I'm loving Virtual Pj. 
B. asketball prizes were given today in Cooper-davis for picking who wins. James won and got a bunch of basketball stuff. We colored in that class today! 
C.reep- Ingrid Michaelson ♥ Thanks.
D.osage of Izz is required for a healthy lifestyle, as is a dosage of Mags. A hang out a year(? D:) Keeps the doctors away!
E.mailing you the song "Punch-Drunk Love".
F.abreeze in my bathroom is "Winter Evening". Everyone who uses it has a crush on it.
G.o Team Bunny! Today in Howard, We named our team "The Bunnies". We called it that because Mr. Howard revealed that he was afraid of bunnies. How intimidating we were!
H.ow do you lose shoes, Mags? 
I.zz is kinda a silly nickname. 
J.ubilee is a silly word.
K.eep Calm & Trust God. ♥ 
L.unchbox was left at home today, and everyone loves my Batman lunch box, so everyone freaked out. D: It was his day off!
M.ags is Pretty. (Capital P)
N.o one should have more than ten total toes. That's just weird. you!
P.okemon is delightful.
Q.DFJLSKDJFLKSDJFLSKDJFLKSDJF. I beat the last level of Super Mario Galaxy (where you face Boswer) ON MY FIRST TRY. Beastin. Cue Status "If it wasn't obvious before, it is now. I'm awesome."
R.emember the Titians  was watched by me in Johnson today. I liked it. I also colored while watching it.
S.erria? :D Johnathan Serria is in my grade. Heeee's a cool kid. AND SMELLS AMAZING.
T.obymac Concert tonight! We were going, but I gave my tickets to this one lady in my church who really wanted to go and her mom just died and and and. I hope she has fun!
U.rsula and Cruella Deville. Mix them together? You get Mrs.Colman. You should see her new hairstyle..
V.P is the abbreviation for both Virtual Pj AND Vice President. That's saying a lot 'bout our beast Pj.
W.hy are there rings on Saturn? (God liked it, so he put a ring on it.)
X.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. *
Y.ou're awesome.
Z.e entire Stawecki homeroom gets cupcakes next Wednesday! NOMNOMNOMNOM.

*Sorry, You are not permitted to read this one; it's a secret.

<3<3<3, Izz

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