Dog. I am always so hungry and I don't even know why. IT'S NOT REASONABLE
I like little boys who apologize for being STUPID.
I've been talking to Alec for a while. I really enjoy our friendship. A lot. I enjoy that tomorrow morning I am meeting mr. Patton in the library to work on his project. I don't care if I do all his homework. He better freaking love me.
So yeah. It's late. I still have algebra homework to do. Maybe I'll play dumb and ask for Smith's help tomorrow. Or just do it after I post this. I think I'll go with the latter...
I really don't care that my font sizes are inconsistent. I am so tired. I need the weekend. And I have all county band coming up. The only good thing about that is that I get to see Justin and Tessa and Sam again! I love my West Port friends.
I am so excited to see my baby freshmen next year. You have no idea. I've been missing you all soooo much. And all the kids who didn't go to VHS. It's so weird, being together for 2-3 years, and then... being separated. It's just wrong.
I am so freaking tired. Good thing tomorrow is an odd day. Maybe I'll sleep in Kent. I hope the next chapter isn't boring. The chapter on WWI was good though. I liked it, because I could call people stupid. And I like to call people stupid. You know that.
I hope you get Mr. Kent. He's really awesome.
Okay. I am going to get a snack and then do my algebra homework and then dream about my boy. Maybe I'll take my laptop to school tomorrow and do geometry in the library... Nah. I wanna flirt with my boy. I'll do two tomorrow. TWO TESTS THURSDAY WOOP!!
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